Everything That Goes On You, Goes In You...
Everything that goes on you, goes in you. All of our lovely lotions and potions are getting into our systems and causing Buddha-only-knows what type of problems. I have been taking a serious effort to minimize my exposure to food-carried garbage as of late (and hopefully it's not too late). Here's another article to add to my Fear List. Bromine, an iodine obstructor, is found in our food, from the uber toxic Mountain Dew (I just thought it tasted bad, I didn't realize how bad it was FOR YOU) to commercial bread and pastries to *GASP* our makeup and lotion.
Here's a long-ish article, but something that I didn't know before: the prevalence of bromine in all we eat, do, breathe... Click here and read it (and try not to weep... or slowly sob).
Read it and get informed.
After all Joe's...
Knowing is half the Battle.
Cautious Kisses
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