Kush Support and Beyond.

I was over on Bonnie's hilarious site, Peculiar Beauty (check out it when you have some time, vintage beauty advice which she takes "seriously"), when I came across this about AWESOME beauty contraptions. I was once the sad purchaser of an at-home hair-removal system that cost $100 in 1998 (add inflation, carry the 0... that's about $500 in today's currency!). Anyway it was an Igia (Igia, you may not know this,  is Eurogarble for crappy product) and I overspent and guess what? It was nothing but a set of plastic tweezer attached to some plastic box which was said to be delivering radio frequencies to kill my hair at the root. It didn't do that, and to get my revenge on spending all the money I had at the time on a plastic box, I started this blog. Here are some more Igia-esque products to look out for. Snark and all. 


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