The Lip Scrub by Sara Happ. Nice.

Nice is such a mean word sometimes. I usually say it when someone introduces me to a vanilla lad or lass. When someone is not rude or bad, but you just don't click or aren't engaged by them, what do you say? "They were nice." Usually,  I extra-high-pitch the "nice"-- betraying my total lack of interest in the person. (There are different levels of nice. SOOOOOOO nice usually will let you know that the person is genuinely filled to the brim with likeability, whereas a mousey "nice" will be the universal word of disapproval.)

Anyway, The Lip Scrub by Sara Happ, $24-- is nice. Say that in the voice of Minnie Mouse. 

It is, like so many other products on the market today, a scrub based on the exfoliating powers of sugar and its crystals. The scrub comes in a little pot, smelling lovely, tasting good (because it has sucralose in it, the taste is sweet). It is brown sugar in grape seed oil. My lips need exfoliating. I caught a lot of flack for saying NO to chapstick and Vaseline and touting the healing powers of olive oil. I stand by my statement, but I do declare that the drying winter air (I don't care that it's March 25th) sucks all the plump-y goodness out of my kisser -- and leaves an exoskeleton of dead, dry ICK on my mouth. I wanted to slough off the dry skin and this product seemed like it would fit the bill. 

The first time I tried it, I followed directions and slapped on a generous amount and moved it around in a circular fashion. My results were lips that were moistened by the grape seed oil base, but not exactly smooth and supple as I had anticipated. The 'generous' amount I used also proved to be a little much, because you will need a considerable amount of effort to get the grape seed oil off your face (in case you were extra vigorous with your circular motions like I was). I now would recommend using about as much as fits on your finger tip. Using this much everyday will make this thing last for at least 2 months. Continued use will eventually improve the texture of your lips. 

I have been using this product for a week. I find it effective if I use it in the shower as a daily exfoliator and moisturizer for my lips (the grape seed oil is sort of the same concept as olive oil, and the sloughing power of sugar is there to lend a hand in smoothing the surface of your lips.). Sara Happ's tagline is, "Wonder How you Ever Lived Without It." To be fair, although I was not blown over by this product, I actually don't know of another lip scrub on the market which is as palatable or which I can afford for daily use. And I need it, I really do! So even though I call it 'nice', I actually really find my lips necessitate the existence and use of this product. 

 It's better than peeling the layers of your skin off in the winter bluster. I don't know why I can't cheerlead about The Lip Scrub, even though I use it and I will probably go out and get some more. Maybe I am in a mood. I don't know of anything better on the market, and I can't really slam this product on anything other than modifying the directed use and using it daily. I guess it's actually better than bad, it's good. 

Smooth Kisses!


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