eeeYUCK. Dramatically (crappy) Moisturizing Lotion by Clinique
Modified Haikus
by S.
"The Root of Acne?" 2009
When I stopped you,My spots quit me.
However, today I was feeling particularly obnoxious, so I decided to take my bossy ways out on the ever-gracious and obliging Miss S.H.-- who was willing to undergo a sort of make-up wardrobe overhaul and allowed me to spew the comments which I wish someone was recording.
I went through her makeup throwing our what was wrong for her and retaining the good things. In her kit, I noticed she had several bottles, complimentary or purchased of Clinique's Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion (the yellow stuff-- $22 + for a 3.2 oz bottle).
Immediately, I am transported to my earliest makeup days, when a small bottle of this was practically OBLIGATORY with every Clinique purchase (my first 'big time USA makeup purchase was a Clinique product in fact-- Almost Lipstick in Tutti Fruitti. But that's a story for another post!).
Anyway, at that time when Clinque was the height of haute maquillage, I used the yellow stuff moisturizing lotion as if it were precious Creme de la Mer. I was constantly battling ye olde acne monster at the time, and I never thought that the Dramatically Crappy --err I mean Dramatically Different Lotion and my breakouts were related. I quit when my sample ran out.
Tine passed.
Spots disappeared. (Just like he Haiku states).
What is that old saying about tragedy + time = comedy?
Well modify for the makeup world. Time + Acne = "Forgetting the Things you used when you used to break out and then trying them again thinking that acne and the lotion were mutually isolated and that they weren't cause-and-effect when in fact it is very possible that the lotion was causing spots in the first place. " Phew.
So did you catch that? I used the lotion after a long hiatus and spots started to reappear. Real acne! In my 20s. I quit it and acne stopped. I can therefore only unscientifically conclude that there might be a causal relationship between the Dramatically Different Moisturizing lotion and breakouts.
My smooth-complexioned cousin B actually said she only used this product to moisturize her legs. Can you believe it?? It's strong enough to soothe parched LEG skin. That means it's probably too harsh for the delicate skin on your face.
Bottomline: I think they can only move this stuff if they GIVE it away. Perhaps a very resilient and elephant-skinned lady would be OK with this stuff. A sensitive-skinned one will most probably not.
I advised SH to throw all of this crap out. And I think she did do. Well played, SH.
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