Sunscreen is your Saviour. Oil of Olay Complete Defense SPF 30 & More
What? You think because it's getting cold outside and there's cloud cover that you don' t need to wear sunscreen? Well I've said it once and I'll say it again: You need to wear sunscreen everyday, no exceptions.
Did you know the Sun and it's damaging rays are closest to the Earth in the winter. Yeah, it's true and you can wikipedia it if all y'all doubters keep doubting. I just did to make sure I couldn't be proven wrong.
As I was saying, if you're not protecting your skin through the simple application of sunscreen, then you're doing your future self a huge disservice.
There are great sunscreen/moisturizers out there for all you lazy bones (me included!). My favorite from the drugstore has to be Oil of Olay Complete Defense Sensitive Skin Oil-Free Moisturizer with SPF30. It's so light, soaks right into your skin and gives you SPF 30 protection and it's about $14. I have never had a problem with it, it's a completely 5 star product in my eyes.
I personally also use Clarins E3P SPF 40 Sunscreen (read about it under "Face")-- a little pricey, but those extra 10SPF points are worth it to me.
I also recommend wearing mineral makeup when you go out in the sun. What, you say? Why would you wear MAKEUP in the Sun? Well good think you asked. See mineral makeup has an SPF (most do, anyway) and even though the number is lower, it actually acts as a physical barrier against the Sun, and not just a chemical barrier (as the creams are). Mine has an SPF of 25.
And, all y'all probably already know this but remember, the SPF doesn't "add" up-- you're only getting the level of protection from the highest numbered product.
Thank me later, in like 15 years. I'll send a forwarding address.
Sun Protection Factored Kisses!
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