Sabon Shower Glove with Thumb - Exfoliate Yourself!!!
I am the biggest fan of Sabon!! I drag S into the store whenever I see one! One day I would love to have a bathroom with the ambiance of a Sabon store. The fat cakes of soap, the pretty glass bottles and jars in all shapes and sizes, the pretty packaging… the dim lighting… ahhhhh. Although… I must say that all the various scents put together can sometimes be nauseating.
So, in my quest to have the most soft and irresistible skin I am always on the lookout for a good exfoliator. On a recent trip to Sabon I found the perfect bath glove. Sabon’s Shower glove with thumb is the perfect in shower exfoliator. It retails for $8. The front side of the glove is made with Sisal Hemp and the thumb and back of the glove is made with a soft terry cloth like material. It is perfect for your legs, back, stomach, feet, and tushy. The glove makes it easier to exfoliate those hard to reach places like your back. I do not recommend using the glove on your face or chest. This Sisal material is too harsh for these sensitive areas. I have very dry skin, and it is winter, so I only use the glove twice a week.
For those of you concerned with cellulite, this glove is great for increasing circulation, to decrease the look of dimpled thighs.
Exfoliate yourself!
Thanks to reader Shan who informed me that the website was written incorrectly!!!