My First Time: Perfumes

I change my perfume 4 times a year (yes with the season) and each scent holds such powerful memories for me. I remember what I wore when I did study abroad in London (Ralph by Ralph Lauren--  free sample that I managed to stretch out all summer), what I wore when 9/11 happened (Marc Jacobs first edition), The One Year In Law School (Stella by Stella McCartney in the fall semester, J'adore by Dior in the Spring) and my awkward sophomore year in high school (Pleasures by Estee Lauder-- which now makes me nauseous). 

Scents are so powerful, so here in a new interactive series "My First Time" it would be great to hear what your first or favorite perfumes were and what memories they evoke. 

My absolute favorite and first perfume was Tea Rose. I remember begging my Mom to buy it for me, because it smelled so good on my pediatrician. YES my pediatrician dictated my scent paradigm at the ripe old age of 11. (Now Jo Malone's Red Roses smells very similar, and oh did it bring back memories when I wore it in the later winter of 2007). 

I love hearing about other people's perfume experiences, and I would love to collect some great stories to post about what memories your first or favorite perfume holds. 

My favorites 1991-1992

Tea Rose (purchased at Ross for $45, a small fortune in 1991). Reminds me of cold mornings at school, and being told during ballroom dancing class that I smelled good when I spun around.

Quelques Fleurs (I will not disclose how much this cost, but let me just say, I love my Mommy and thank her for introducing me to Neiman Marcus. Thanks a lot!) The summer right before Junior High, and out of control adolescence and a starring role in the 8th grade play ( I played a character named Miss Gossage the Sausage

Tresor by Lancome 6th Grade camping trip-- it was total contraband, because apparently the showers were communal there. I think I blocked that memory or I never showered-- I can't remember. All I know is I would blatantly drench myself in Tresor and then pretend I had no idea where the smell was coming from, and accuse nature of smelling like Tresor.   

To this day, I love perfumes. G and I would love to hear about your first time and the special memories you may have of your first time wearing a perfume or scent-- and we especially love funny stories! 

Hope to hear from you all. 


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