Chanel Aqua Crayon Eye Color Stick
One of my favorite eyeliners in my liner collection is the Chanel Aqua Crayon Eye Color Stick in black. I’ve been using this color for almost 2 years. On most days I wear a bronzy liner, and on special occasions I like to add a little drama with the Chanel Aqua Crayon in Black. This color is very creamy and easy to apply. It is formulated with Vitamin E and chamomile, meaning that it will not be harsh on the sensitive area of your eyelid. The liner is also waterproof. I’ve never encountered a problem with smearing or running, but then again my skin type is not oily. My past roommate GW (oh that sounds awful… but those really are her initials) is a religious user of the Chanel Aqua Crayon in black. She is the one that got me hooked on the stuff. She applies her eye makeup beautifully. She has about 4 unopened packages at all times, and never leaves the house without applying it!
This liner is a bit on the pricey side. It retails for around $24. It lasts quite a long time though (unless one of your friends uses it as a pen!!! P!!! You beast you!!!).
The great thing about this liner is that is an automatic pencil and you never have to sharpen it. It’s perfect for travel. It’s horrid when you have a liner but no sharpener! This color is great to mix up with other fun shades. I’m really into green and blue shimmery liners these days. The Chanel Aqua Crayon is a perfect mix with these colors. I like to apply the black first then layer another color over. For a more Smokey effect smudge the colors together. This is a hot look!
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